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February 2014 Public Meeting

At its February 2014 meeting, the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) considered options and recommendations for a long-term vision for children’s health coverage, in preparation for the MACPAC June 2014 Report to the Congress. Commissioners continued their January discussion of Medicaid’s role in population health, also for the June report.

The February meeting featured expert perspectives on national issues, including:

  • state efforts to streamline eligibility and enrollment, and Kentucky and Louisiana’s approaches in particular;
  • understanding Medicaid enrollees’ use of the emergency department; and
  • how needs assessments are used to determine Medicaid eligibility for long-term services and supports.

The Commission reviewed draft comments to the Congress on the Health and Human Services Department’s final evaluation of express lane eligibility and was briefed on new access to care measures in the March 2014 MACStats. Staff also conducted sessions on states’ fee-for-service physician payment policies and Financial Alignment Demonstration programs.


  1. Review of March MACStats
  2. The Evolution of Medicaid/CHIP Outreach and Enrollment
  3. Outreach and Enrollment Strategies: Kentucky Department for Medicaid Services
  4. The Evolving Roles of Emergency Departments in the United States
  5. Emergency Department Use in Medicaid: Implications for the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion
  6. Medicaid and CHIP Enrollment Strategies in Louisiana
  7. Emergency Department Visit Reduction Programs
  8. Review of Secretary’s Report on Express Lane Eligibility
  9. The Future of CHIP and Federally Subsidized Children’s Coverage
  10. Assessing Life-Long Support Needs
  11. LTSS Assessments: Opportunities to Consider
  12. Role of Assessments in Determining LTSS
  13. Medicaid and Population Health Issues: Next Steps