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January 2014 Public Meeting

At the January 2014 meeting, the Commission reviewed draft comments to the Congress on the Health and Human Services Department’s final evaluation of express lane eligibility and was briefed on new access to care measures in the March 2014 MACStats. Staff also conducted sessions on states’ fee-for-service physician payment policies and Financial Alignment Demonstration programs.


  1. Medicaid Program Management
  2. Separate CHIP Benefits and Cost Sharing
  3. Information on Coverage and Consumers’ Costs for Select Services in CHIP and Benchmark Plans in Five States
  4. Characteristics of Medicaid Managed Care Programs
  5. Paying for Value in Medicaid: A Synthesis of Advanced Payment Models in Four States
  6. Medicaid Preventive Services for Adults
  7. Medicaid Funding of Community-Based Prevention: Myths, State Successes Overcoming Barriers and the Promise of Integrated Payment Models
  8. Early Insights into Medicaid Enrollment in Expansion States