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Access in Brief: Adults with Intellectual Disabilities and Developmental Disabilities

Medicaid provides health coverage to millions of Americans, including people with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities (I/DD).

This brief examines access to Medicaid coverage for adults with I/DD across racial and ethnic groups and by Medicaid-only or dually eligible status using survey data from the National Core Indicators In-Person Surveys (NCI-IPS) collected in fiscal years (FY) 2017 and 2018. The brief aims to identify how access, health status, and service use may differ by type of demographic characteristic within the I/DD population. Among adults with I/DD who are covered by Medicaid, there were several distinctions between Medicaid-only beneficiaries and people dually eligible for Medicaid and Medicare. Reported health status and service use among all adult Medicaid beneficiaries with I/DD varied by race and ethnicity, but there were fewer variations in reported experience with home- and community-based services across racial and ethnic groups.

In this brief, we aggregate the NCI-IPS state-level data to report national numbers; however, due to each state’s unique population sampling criteria and survey exclusion methodology, the aggregated data may not be generalizable to the entire I/DD population.