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Extending CHIP: Short-Term Issues

This presentation put forth various scenarios for children’s coverage if CHIP funds had been allowed to expire, which would have differed according to CHIP’s design in individual states. Separate CHIP programs would have been relieved of any further obligations to provide coverage. Medicaid-expansion CHIP coverage would have continued as Medicaid through FY 2019 due to the ACA’s maintenance of effort (MOE). Medicaid-expansion CHIP would have been able to continue after FY 2019, but at the lower matching rate.

The presentation compared the status of CHIP funding as of February 2015, including the amount of federal CHIP financing from FY 2014–2016, how quickly states were projected to exhaust their CHIP funds in 2016, and the share of CHIP spending that covered Medicaid-enrolled children in the various states. The presentation also raised possible issues for legislative proposals to extend CHIP.

This page was updated in October 2016.