In 2022, Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) were the primary source of coverage for 38 percent of youth and non-elderly adults with opioid use disorder, representing 1.9 million beneficiaries. Given the ongoing drug-overdose crisis and Medicaid’s role in facilitating treatment, MACPAC has been engaged in research to understand access to and use of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) among Medicaid beneficiaries. In recent public meetings, the Commission has reviewed federal policies affecting access to MOUD and data on MOUD utilization based on an analysis of Medicaid claims.
This presentation adds to the Commission’s understanding of factors affecting access to MOUD by highlighting key themes from stakeholder interviews. Staff provided background information and discussed themes related to federal policies and funding, stigma, provider availability, and utilization management. While some of the issues discussed are specific to Medicaid, most affect access to MOUD more broadly and are beyond the program’s purview. The presentation ended with a discussion of next steps, including the development of a chapter for the Commission’s June Report to Congress and additional work to examine the use of prior authorization for MOUD.