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Profiles of Disproportionate Share Hospitals

As part of its statutory obligation to study Medicaid payments to disproportionate share hospitals (DSH), MACPAC has sought to understand the financial health of these hospitals and their role in serving Medicaid patients. But while quantitative analyses of utilization, payment, and hospital costs have been the foundation of our analyses, we know that such data do not tell the whole story. To develop a richer and more nuanced picture of the role of DSH hospitals in different markets and communities, the Commission contracted with the Urban Institute to profile seven DSH hospitals across the country.

These profiles are companion pieces to the DSH payment analyses in the Commission’s March 2017 Report to Congress on Medicaid and CHIP. MACPAC would like to thank Teresa Coughlin and Christal Ramos at Urban Institute for designing and conducting interviews with executives from these seven safety-net hospitals that became the basis for these profiles. The interviews occurred between June and October of 2016.