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Review of March Report Chapter and Vote on Recommendation: Medicaid Managed Care Authorities

This presentation summarizes revisions to the draft March 2018 report to Congress chapter on streamlining Medicaid managed care authorities that Commissioners requested at the December 2017 Commission meeting. Revisions to the chapter include additional context for states’ implementation of Medicaid managed care authorities and details on beneficiary protections for specific populations.

During this January session, the Commission approved a recommendation to Congress to amend 1932(a)(2) to allow states to require all beneficiaries to enroll in Medicaid managed care programs under state plan authority. At its previous meeting in December 2017, the Commission unanimously endorsed two recommendations to Congress: (1) extending approval and renewal periods for all Section 1915(b) waivers from two to five years; and (2) revising Section 1915(c) waiver authority to waive freedom of choice and allow selective contracting. The three recommendations will be included in the report chapter.