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Changes in coverage and access

In addition to the Medicaid expansion, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA, P.L. 111-148, as amended) established premium subsidies for the purchase of private coverage on the exchanges for those with incomes between 100 percent and 400 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL).[1] Together with other changes to the insurance market, these new coverage options were intended to increase the number of individuals with health insurance coverage (CBO 2010). It also was anticipated that gains in health coverage would lead to improved access to and use of services.

Enrollment data provide only one data point; to understand the broader impact on coverage, survey data need to be examined. This is the case because the expected increase in the number of covered individuals also reflect the cumulative effect of the Medicaid expansion, other increases in Medicaid enrollment, exchange enrollment, and any new enrollment in employer-sponsored coverage. For more information, see Medicaid enrollment changes following the ACA.

Federal surveys, with their large sample sizes, provide a more complete assessment of the ACA’s impact on coverage rates, although a number of smaller, private surveys also have provided estimates on the law’s effect. Survey data released to date have shown a decline in the number of uninsured adults and a corresponding increase in Medicaid coverage. States that have expanded Medicaid have lower uninsured rates than non-expansion states. For example, according to the American Community Survey, the uninsured rate among adults age 19 to 64 in 2019 was lower in states that expanded (9.8 percent) than in those states that did not (18.4 percent).

While many available studies use survey data, others have used administrative data from hospitals, credit bureaus, or other sources. These studies have examined various aspects of coverage and access, including

  • gains in coverage among adults and children;
  • the effects of gaining coverage (either through Medicaid or in general) on unmet need, on having a usual source of care, and on utilization of particular types of health care services among low-income adults;
  • effects of expansion on racial and ethnic disparities in coverage and access;
  • the effects of using an alternative approach to expansion;
  • effects of expansion on other measures of well-being, such as personal finances, psychological stress, and problems paying medical bills;
  • spillover effects of increased insurance coverage on other public programs, recipients of other types of health insurance, as well as on crime.

The literature on the effects of Medicaid expansion on the goals of the ACA largely indicates that expansion was associated with increased coverage, access, quality of care, and Medicaid spending (Guth et al.). A few studies have found negative consequences, such as increased wait times for appointments (Mazurenko et al, 2018.). Selected studies below are listed by date, with newer studies appearing first. This list is not exhaustive of all published studies on the effects of the ACA on coverage and access.

Coverage changes

Dong X., Gindling, T.H., Miller, N.A. 2022. Effects of Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act on health insurance coverage, health care access, and use for people with disabilities. Disability and Health Journal 15 no. 1.

This study used 2007-2017 data from the Household Components of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), the Area Health Resource File, and Local Area Unemployment Statistics to examine the effects of Medicaid expansion on health insurance coverage, access, and use of services for working-age adults with disabilities. It found evidence of increased Medicaid coverage in expansion states (3.2 to 5.0 percentage points), evidence of decreased private insurance coverage (-2.2 to -2.5 percentage points), and evidence of decreased uninsured rates (from no effect to -3.7 percentage points).

Lin, Y., Monnette, A., and Shi, L. 2021. Effects of Medicaid expansion on poverty disparities in health insurance coverage. International Journal for Equity in Health 20, no 171. Published online July 26, 2021.

This study used 2012-2018 data from the American Community Survey (ACS) to investigate the effects of Medicaid expansion on differences in coverage by income for non-elderly adults. Compared to 2012, uninsurance rates in 2018 decreased by 10.75 percent (for those with incomes below<138 percent FPL), 6.42 percent (for those with incomes between 138-400 percent FPL), and 1.11 percent ( for those with incomes above>400 percent FPL). Additionally, for those with incomes below 138 percent FPL, the risk of uninsurance is 2.54 percent lower in expansion states than in non-expansion states, as compared to those with incomes above>138 percent. While poverty disparities in uninsured rates improved with Medicaid expansion, those with incomes below<138 percent FPL are at a higher risk of uninsurance. McMorrow, S. and Kenney G.M. 2021. How did the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion Affect Coverage and Access to Care for Low-Income Parents Who Were Eligible for Medicaid Before the Law was Passed? Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision and Financing 58. First published October 14, 2021.

This study uses 2010-17 data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) to assess the effect of Medicaid expansion on coverage and access to care for a subset of low-income parents who were already eligible for Medicaid when the ACA was enacted. Medicaid expansion reduced uninsurance among previously eligible parents by 12.6 percentage points, equivalent to a 40 percent decline from the uninsurance rate in 2012-13. These effects increased to a 55 percent decline 2-3 years following expansion. Additionally, the study found declines in unmet need due to cost and no significant increases in provider access problems for previously eligible parents.

Hill, A., Shin, E., and J.S. Hyde 2021. Access to care and health insurance coverage for workers with disabilities: Outcomes by state-level responses to the ACA. Disability and Health Journal, 14, no. 3.

This study used data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) – Household Component for the period 2011 to 2016 to compare rates of coverage disruption in expansion versus non-expansion states, and in subgroups of states that used Section 1115 waivers to implement alternative expansion strategies. It found that among low-income adults ages 19 to 64 in Medicaid expansion states, disruption in coverage decreased 4.3 percentage points following expansion (compared to non-expansion states). Coverage disruptions declined in both expansion states and in states that used Section 1115 waivers for expansion. Men, people of color, and people without chronic illnesses experienced the largest improvements in continuity of coverage.

Marchi, K.S., Dove, M.S., Heck, K.E., and C. Fan. 2021. The Affordable Care Act and changes in women’s health insurance coverage before, during, and after pregnancy in California. Public Health Reports, 136, no.1: 70-78.

This study used data from the California Maternal and Infant Health Assessment to compare health insurance coverage during the period before the ACA (2011 to 2013), to the period after the ACA (2014 to 2017) among women in three periods of pregnancy: before, during, and after. If found that the rate of women who reported being uninsured before pregnancy decreased by 14.3 percentage points after the ACA. Additionally, the share of women who reported being uninsured postpartum decreased by 9.5 percentage points. ACA implementation resulted in a greater than 50 percent reduction in adjusted likelihood of being uninsured before pregnancy or postpartum. This decline was driven primarily by increases in Medicaid coverage.

Pascoe, J.M., Stolfi, A., Eberhart, G., and H. Khamis. 2021. Parents’ report of their children’s underinsurance status after the Affordable Care Act. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 34, no. 1: 208-215.

This study used data from the Medical Expenses for Children Survey from 2009 to 2011 and 2016 to compare rate of underinsurance among children (as reported by their parents) prior to and after ACA implementation. It found that the ACA did not impact the underinsured rate, which was about 1 in 6. After the ACA, parents continued to report that it was difficult to access care due to cost. About one-third of parents consistently reported that the health of their underinsured child had suffered due to an inability to pay for needed care.

Goldman, A.L., and B.D. Sommers. 2020. Among low-income adults enrolled in Medicaid, churning decreased after the Affordable Care Act. Health Affairs 39, no. 1: 85-93.

This study used data from the MEPS Household Component for the period 2011 to 2016 to compare rates of coverage disruption in expansion versus non-expansion states, and in subgroups of states that used Section 1115 waivers to implement alternative expansion strategies. It found that among low-income adults ages 19 to 64 in Medicaid expansion states, disruption in coverage decreased 4.3 percentage points following expansion (compared to non-expansion states). Coverage disruptions declined in both expansion states and in states that used Section 1115 waivers for expansion. Men, people of color, and people without chronic illnesses experienced the largest improvements in continuity of coverage.

McInerney, M., R. Winecoff, P. Ayyagari, et al. 2020. ACA Medicaid expansion associated with increased Medicaid participation and improved health among near-elderly: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study. Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing. Published online July 28, 2020.

This study used data from the Health and Retirement Study for 2010 to 2016 to compare outcomes before and after Medicaid expansion among adults age 50 to 64 with income below 100 percent of the federal poverty level. It found that Medicaid expansion was associated with a 15 percentage point increase in Medicaid coverage. The increase in Medicaid coverage was largely offset by declines in other types of health insurance. The study also found that Medicaid expansion resulted in improvements in several measures of physical health, including reductions in metabolic syndrome, gross motor skill difficulties, and compromised activities of daily living. However, the study did not find significant evidence of changes in mental health.

Park, J.J., B.D. Sommers, S. Humble, et al. 2020. Medicaid and private insurance coverage for low-income Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders, 2010-16. Health Affairs, 38, no. 11: 1911-1917.

This study used ACS data from 2010 to 2013 and 2015 to 2016 to examine how low-income Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander adults gained health insurance coverage following the ACA. It found that in expansion states, Medicaid coverage gains were 9.67 percentage points greater than in non-expansion states, but private insurance gains were 10.19 percentage points lower. The authors suggest that these findings may reflect differences in willingness to enroll in public versus private coverage, and barriers related to language or citizenship.

Denham, A. and Veazie, P. 2019. Did Medicaid expansion matter in states with generous Medicaid? American Journal of Medical Care 25, no. 3: 129–134.

This study used 2011 to 2016 ACS data to examine the effect of Medicaid expansion on Medicaid coverage in New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Delaware, which had generous Medicaid coverage prior to expansion. It found strong evidence of growth in coverage in New York, but weak or no evidence in the other three states.

Berdhal, T.A., and A.S. Moriya. 2018. Difference in uninsurance rates between full-and part-time workers declined in 2014. Health Affairs 37, no. 10: 1669–1672.

This study used 2010 to 2015 MEPS data to study changes in health insurance disparities between full- and part-time workers. It found that uninsured rates decreased significantly for both types of workers. In expansion states, part-time workers primarily gained coverage through Medicaid, whereas in non-expansion states, they gained coverage primarily from exchange plans.

Blavin, F., M. Karpman, G. M. Kenney, and B. D. Sommers. 2018. Medicaid versus marketplace coverage for near-poor adults: Effects on out-of-pocket spending and coverage. Health Affairs 37 no. 2: 299–307.

This study used Current Population Survey (CPS) data for 2011 to 2016, and from the ACS for 2010 to 2015. It found that among adults with income between 100 and 138 percent FPL, living in an expansion state (relative to a non-expansion state) was associated with a $344 reduction in average out-of-pocket spending, a 4.1 percentage point decrease in the likelihood of having out-of-pocket spending in excess of 10 percent of income, and a 7.7 percentage point decline in the probability of having any out-of-pocket spending at all.

Garfield, R., K. Orgera, and A. Damico. 2020. The coverage gap: Uninsured poor adults in states that do not expand Medicaid. January 14, 2020. Washington, DC: Kaiser Family Foundation.

Using 2018 ACS data, the authors estimate that nearly one-fifth (4.8 million) of the remaining uninsured population is eligible for Medicaid or State Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Of these, 2.3 million uninsured individuals fall into the so-called coverage gap, meaning that they earn too much to be eligible for Medicaid, but not enough to qualify for subsidized exchange coverage. These individuals would likely be eligible for Medicaid if their states chose to expand coverage.

Benitez, J.A., E.K. Adams, and E.E. Seiber. 2017. Did health care reform help Kentucky address disparities in coverage and access to care among the poor? Health Services Research 53, no. 3: 1387–1406.

This study used 2011 to 2015 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data to examine health disparities in Kentucky, and found that following the Medicaid expansion, high-poverty communities experienced a decrease in the share of residents who were uninsured that was 8 percentage points greater than in lower poverty areas. They also experienced a decrease in unmet need to costs that was 7.5 percentage points greater than lower poverty areas.

Decker, S. L., B. Lipton, and B.D. Sommers. 2017.  Medicaid expansion coverage effects grew in 2015 with continued improvements in coverage quality. Health Affairs 36, no. 5: 819–825.

In this article, the authors used 2008 to 2015 NHIS data to look at Medicaid expansion coverage effects. Although the uninsured rate fell in both expansion and non-expansion states between 2010 and 2015, declines were significantly greater (7.5 percentage points) in expansion states. Additionally, Medicaid expansion was associated with significantly better quality of coverage as reported by low-income adults.

Hudson, J. L. and A. S. Moriya. 2017. Medicaid expansion for adults had measurable ‘welcome mat’ effects on their children. Health Affairs 36, no. 9: 1643–1651.

Using 2013 to 2015 NHIS data, this study found a link between parents gaining Medicaid eligibility and increased enrollment among children. Among children whose parents gained coverage under the Medicaid expansion, public coverage increased by 5.7 percentage points compared to 2.7 percentage points among children whose parents remained ineligible for Medicaid following the expansion (including those who remained ineligible due to their state not expanding Medicaid or for a different reason). An additional 200,000 low-income children would have gained coverage if all states had adopted the expansion.

Access to care and service use

Karletsos, D. and Stoecker, C. 2022. Louisiana Medicaid Expansion Associated with Reduced Travel for Care Among Minority Groups and Rural Residents. Health Affairs 41 no. 1: 53-59.

This study used 2015-2017 Medicaid claims data from Louisiana and measured the distance traveled between an enrollee’s home address and the provider’s address both before and after Medicaid expansion in July 2016. The study found that distance traveled to appointments declined across all eight types of services, ranging from a decrease of 3.46 miles for general practice to a decrease of 0.7 miles for specialty care. The largest declines in travel distance were among Black enrollees living in nonmetropolitan areas for general practice (a decrease of 9.25 miles).

Chou, S., S. Gondi, S. Weiner, et al. 2020. Medicaid expansion reduced emergency department visits by low-income adults due to barriers to outpatient care. Medical Care. Published online January 29.

This study examined changes in the reasons for emergency department (ED) use associated with Medicaid expansion. It used NHIS data for 2012 to 2017 for adults who were U.S. citizens with incomes below 138 percent FPL. It found that Medicaid expansion was not associated with statistically significant changes in overall ED use; however, it was associated with a significant decrease in ED use due to barriers to outpatient care.

Glied, S.A., S.R. Collins, and S. Lin. 2020. Did the ACA lower Americans’ financial barriers to health care? Health Affairs 39, no. 3: 379-386.

The authors reviewed evidence on whether the ACA was effective in addressing cost barriers to coverage and care, and barriers to comprehensive risk protection provided by insurance. They found that the law substantially improved protection against the financial risk of illness. Coverage expansions reduced uninsured rates and lowered out-of-pocket spending.

Moghtaderi, A., B. Black, M. Zocchi, et al. 2020. The three-year effect of Medicaid expansion on emergency department visits and admissions. Annals of Emergency Medicine. Published online August 23, 2020.

This study examined the effects of Medicaid expansion on ED utilization and admissions, using data from 151 EDs in 14 expansion states for the period 2014 to 2016. It found that the volume of uninsured visits decreased by 44 percent and the volume of Medicaid ED visits increased by 49 percent, relative to non-expansion states. The effects on payer mix leveled off in 2015, suggesting that among individuals newly eligible for Medicaid, sicker individuals may have been more likely to enroll earlier. During the three-year period, there was no evidence that expansion after overall ED volume or admission rates.

Roy, S., F.A. Wilson, L. Chen, et al. 2020. The impact of Medicaid expansion for adults under the Affordable Care Act on preventive care for children: Evidence from the southern United States. Medical Care 58, no. 11: 945-951.

This study used data from the 2016 and 2017 National Survey of Children’s Health to examine whether expanding Medicaid to adults had an effect on preventive health care utilization of children from low-income families. The study examined the effects on children in one expansion state, Louisiana, and two non-expansion states, Texas and Mississippi. It found that children in poverty residing in Louisiana were more likely to have an annual preventive care visit following Medicaid expansion, compared with children in Texas and Mississippi.

Wallace, D.J., J.M. Donohue, D.C. Angus, et al. 2020. Association between state Medicaid expansion and emergency access to acute care hospitals in the United States. JAMA Network Open 3, no. 11.

Using hospital-level data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services from 2007 to 2017 linked with U.S. Census data for all 50 states and the District of Columbia, this study examined the relationship between state Medicaid expansion and emergency access to acute care hospitals. It found that relative to expansion states, states that did not expand Medicaid experienced an increase in the population without access to hospitals overall, and an increase in the population without access to safety-net hospitals.

Wen, H., K.J. Johnston, L. Allen, and T.M. Waters. 2020. Medicaid expansion associated with reductions in preventable hospitalizations. Health Affairs 38, no. 11: 1845-1849.

This study used data from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) State Inpatient Databases to examine inpatient discharges for 36 states during the period 2009 to 2015. It found larger reductions in discharge rates for ambulatory care-sensitive conditions (i.e., conditions for which hospital admission could be prevented by primary care interventions) among expansion states than in non-expansion states. Medicaid expansion was associated with a 3.47 percent reduction in annual discharge rates for such conditions, equivalent to 0.54 fewer discharges per 1,000 adult residents. Moreover, Medicaid expansion was associated with lower hospital costs associated with ambulatory care-sensitive conditions (-$4.23 per adult resident per year).

Garthwaite, C., J.A. Graves, T. Gross, et al. 2019. All Medicaid expansions are not created equal: The geography and targeting of the Affordable Care Act. September 2019. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

This study used patient-level discharge data to examine the effects of Medicaid expansion on hospital service use. It found that Medicaid expansion increased Medicaid visits and decreased uninsured visits, resulting in net-positive visits overall; this suggests that those who newly gained Medicaid coverage consumed more hospital services than they would have if they remained uninsured. The effects of expansion varied by state, with some states experiencing large increases in hospital utilization and others experiencing little change. Increases were larger for Medicaid expansion states that had more residents gaining coverage.

Cole, M.B., B. Wright, I.B. Wilson, et al. 2018. Medicaid expansion and community health centers: Care quality and service use increased for rural patients. Health Affairs 37, no. 6: 900–907.

This study used 2011 to 2015 data from the Uniform Data System, and found that after two years, Medicaid expansion was associated with an 11 percentage point decrease in the share of community health center patients who were uninsured and a 13 percentage point increase in the share of patients covered by Medicaid. For community health centers in rural areas, Medicaid expansion was associated with significant improvements in quality indicators (e.g. percentage of patients with asthma receiving appropriate treatment, adults receiving a body mass index screening, blood pressure control for patients with hypertension). For rural community health centers, Medicaid expansion was associated with a significant increase in the number of visits for 18 of the 21 visit types, versus just 4 of the 21 visit types in urban centers.

McConville, S. M. C. Raven, S.H. Sabbagh, and R.Y. Hsia. 2018. Frequent emergency department users: A statewide comparison before and after Affordable Care Act implementation. Health Affairs 37, no. 6: 881–889.

This study used data obtained from California’s Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development to look at characteristics of frequent ED users in California, following Medicaid expansion. It found that the odds of being a frequent ED user (i.e., of having more four annual ED visits) were significantly lower for Medicaid-insured patients. The largest predictors of frequent ED use included having a diagnosis of a mental health condition or a substance use disorder.

U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). 2018. Medicaid: Access to health care for low-income adults in states with and without expanded eligibility. GAO-18-607. Washington, DC: GAO.

Using data from the 2016 NHIS, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that low-income adults in expansion states were significantly less likely to report having unmet medical needs or financial barriers to medical and other types of health care than those in expansion states. Additionally, they were more likely to report having a usual source of health care when sick or in need of medical advice.

Biener, A., S.H. Zuvekas, and S.C. Hill. 2017. Impact of recent Medicaid expansions on office-based primary care and specialty care among the newly eligible. Health Services Research 53, no. 4: 2426–2445. October 20, 2017.

Using 2008 to 2014 MEPS data, this study found that in 2014, newly eligible adults in expansion states were 9.1 percentage points more likely to have an office-based primary care visit and 6.9 percentage points more likely to have a specialist visit, relative to their counterparts in non-expansion states.

Giled, S., S. Ma, and A. Borja. 2017. Effect of the Affordable Care Act on health care access. May 2017. Washington, DC: The Commonwealth Fund.

The authors examined data from the 2014 NHIS and 2014 BRFSS and found that following the first open enrollment period of October 2013 to March 2014, previously uninsured individuals gaining coverage through Medicaid expansions were between 47.1 and 85.6 percent more likely to report having a usual source of care.

Kino, S. 2018. The impact of ACA Medicaid expansion on socioeconomic inequality in health care services utilization. PLOS One, 13 no. 12.

Using BRFSS data for 2011 to 2016, this study found that the Medicaid expansion had mixed effects on disparities in several health care outcomes among people of different socioeconomic status (as measured by income). For example, it appeared to reduce the socioeconomic disparity among people reporting financial ability to access health care, having a personal doctor, and receiving routine care. However, there was no effect on the socioeconomic gap in rates of preventive health care or dental care visits.

Selden, T. M., B. J. Lipton, and S. L. Decker. 2017. Medicaid expansion and marketplace eligibility both increased coverage, with tradeoffs in access, affordability. Health Affairs 36, no. 12: 2069–2077.

This study used NHIS data for 2008 to 2015, and found that adults with incomes between 100 and 138 percent of the federal poverty level experienced similar increases in having a usual source of care and primary care whether covered by Medicaid in expansion states or by the exchanges in non-expansion states. Although adults in expansion states experienced larger reductions in out-of-pocket spending, they also had greater difficulty accessing physicians relative to their counterparts in non-expansion states.

Holahan, J., M. Karpman, and S. Zuckerman. 2016. Health care access and affordability among low-and moderate-income insured and uninsured adults under the Affordable Care Act. April 2016. Washington, DC: Urban Institute.

Using data from the September 2015 round of the Health Reform Monitoring Survey (HRMS), the authors found that individuals with Medicaid coverage were just as likely to report having a usual source of care or a recent routine checkup, but more likely to report difficulty getting a doctor’s appointment than other insured enrollees. Compared with enrollees in exchange plans, Medicaid enrollees were less likely to report unmet health needs due to affordability or problems paying medical bills.

Kirby, J. B. and J. P. Vistnes. 2016. Access to care improved for people who gained Medicaid or marketplace coverage in 2014. Health Affairs 35, no. 10: 1830–1834.

This study used 2013 to 2014 MEPS data to look at access to care among previously uninsured individuals. It found that 18 percent of individuals who were uninsured in 2013 gained coverage through Medicaid, while only 11 percent remained uninsured in 2014. In general, individuals who gained insurance coverage in 2014 experienced improved access to care, but those who remained uninsured did not.

Wherry, L. R., and S. Miller. 2016. Early coverage, access, utilization, and health effects associated with the Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansions: A quasi-experimental study. 2016. Annals of Internal Medicine 164, no. 12: 795–803.

This study used NHIS data for 2010 to 2014. It found that in the second half of 2014, among adults with incomes below 138 percent FPL, Medicaid expansions were associated with higher utilization of certain services (including those provided by general practitioners and overnight hospital stays). They were also associated with increased diagnoses for certain health conditions including diabetes and high cholesterol.

Shartzer, A., S. K. Long, and N. Anderson. 2016. Access to care and affordability have improved following ACA implementation; problems remain. Health Affairs 35, no. 1: 161–168.

This study used 2013 to 2015 HRMS data and found that nationally, adults with income below 138 percent FPL were more likely to report a usual source of care as well as a routine checkup within the last year than prior to implementation of the ACA, as well as a decline in unmet need due to cost and problems paying medical bills. However, more than 20 percent reported an access problem within the past 12 months.

Garfield, R., and K. Young. 2015. How does gaining coverage affect people’s lives? Access, utilization, and financial security among newly insured adults. June 2015. Washington, DC: Kaiser Family Foundation.

The 2014 Kaiser Survey of Low-Income Americans and the ACA found that adults who gained coverage following the ACA were more likely to have a usual source of care, regardless of coverage type. They also were more likely to have used medical care compared to those who remained uninsured. However, newly insured adults were more likely to report difficulties finding a physician that would take them as a new patient.

Access to behavioral health and substance use disorder (SUD) treatment

Mulia, N., Lui, C.K., Bensley K.M.K., and Subbaraman, M.S. 2022. Effects of Medicaid expansion on alcohol and opioid treatment admissions in U.S. racial/ethnic groups. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 231 no. 1.

This study used 2010-2016 data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Treatment Episode Data Set to examine whether Medicaid expansion improved use of treatment services for alcohol and opioid use disorders (OUD). It found that total treatment rates in the overall population declined for alcohol and remained roughly constant for OUD across all states (expansion and non-expansion). In contrast, after 2014, treatment rates for alcohol and OUD for Medicaid-covered patients increased in expansion states and decreased in non-expansion states. Additionally, when stratified by race and ethnicity, the results for alcohol treatment were consistent across racial and ethnic groups. For OUD treatment, these results were only observed for Black and white Americans.

Khatri, U.G., B.A. Howell, and T.N.A. Winkelman. 2021. Medicaid expansion increased medications for opioid use disorder among adults referred by criminal justice agencies. Health Affairs 40, no. 4: 562 – 570.

This study used 2008 to 2017 data from the Treatment Episode Data Set – Admissions to examine trends in receipt of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) among individuals referred by criminal justice agencies, before and after Medicaid expansion. It found that receipt of MOUD increased by 165 percent in expansion states compared with non-expansion states. Increases in receipt of MOUD were observed for all racial groups in expansion states.

Jayawardhana. 2021. Impact of Medicaid expansion on mental health and substance use related emergency department visits. Substance Abuse. Published online July 2.

This study used the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project’s Fast Stats Database to analyze state-level ED visits. It found that Medicaid expansion was associated with increased mental health and SUD-related ED visits in expansion states relative to non-expansion states. In addition, Medicaid expansion was associated with a 20.4 percent increase in the Medicaid share of mental health and SUD-related ED visits, and a 17.4 percent decrease in the uninsured share of such visits.

Olfson, M., M.M. Wall, C.L. Barry, et. al. 2021. Effects of the ACA on health care coverage for adults with substance use disorders. Psychiatric Services 72, no. 8: 905-911.

This study used data for 2012 to 2018 from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health to examine changes in coverage and SUD treatment among low- and middle-income adults following Medicaid expansion. It found that among adults with SUD, the uninsured rate decreased by 9 percentage points (from 27.8 percent to 18.7 percent), due both to gains in Medicaid and individually purchased private insurance. However, these numbers stayed stagnate from 2015 to 2018.

Rosales, R., Takeuchi, D., and R. Calvo. 2020. After the Affordable Care Act: the effects of the health safety net and the Medicaid expansion on Latinxs’ use of behavioral healthcare in the US. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research, 48, no. 2: 188-198.

This study used data from the National Mental Health Service Survey in 2010, 2014, and 2016 to assess the ACA’s impact on Latinxs’ use of behavioral health services. It found that behavioral health admissions among Latinx individuals increased in 2014. However, in 2016, admissions were at lower levels than before ACA implementation. Behavioral health safety net organizations, especially those in Medicaid expansion states, served higher numbers of Latinxs than organizations outside of the safety net.

Lewis, R., A.R. Baugher, T. Finlayson, et al. 2020. Healthcare access and utilization among persons who inject drugs in Medicaid expansion and non-expansion states: 22 United States cities, 2018. The Journal of Infectious Diseases 222, no. 5: S420-S428.

This study used data collected in 2018 in 22 cities for the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance (NHBS) to assess differences in healthcare access and utilization among persons who inject drugs by state Medicaid expansion status. It found that compared to those in non-expansion states, persons who inject drugs in Medicaid expansion states were more likely to have insurance and a usual source of healthcare, and have used medication-assisted treatment. They were less likely to have an unmet need for care.

Saloner, B., and J.C. Maclean. 2020. Specialty substance use disorder treatment admissions steadily increased in the four years after Medicaid expansion. Health Affairs 39, no. 3: 453-461.

Using the Treatment Episode Data Set, this study compared annual rates of specialty substance use disorder treatment admissions in expansion versus non-expansion states for the period 2010 to 2017. It found that admissions to treatment increased in the four years after expansion; and in the fourth year after expansion, the number of individuals admitted to treatment was 36 percent higher in expansion states than in non-expansion states. The largest changes were in the number of people entering intensive outpatient treatments and in those seeking medication treatment for OUD. Moreover, the share of admissions paid for by Medicaid increased 24 percentage points in expansion states compared to non-expansion states.

Cher, B.A.Y., N.E. Morden, and E. Meara. 2019. Medicaid expansion and prescription trends. Medical Care 57, no. 3: 208–212.

This study tested the association between Medicaid expansion and Medicaid-paid prescriptions of opioid pain relievers and opioid addiction therapies using 2010–2016 Medicaid State Drug Utilization Data. It found that overall prescription use per Medicaid enrollee increased after 2014 in expansion states relative to non-expansion states; however, this growth was smaller than growth in prescriptions for medications used to treat depression, hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Growth in prescriptions for medications used to treat OUD outpaced other drugs, particularly in states with higher pre-2014 overdose death rates.

Patton, B.P., E.E. Krans, J.Y. Kim, and M. Jarlenski. 2019. The impact of Medicaid expansion on postpartum health care utilization among pregnant women with opioid use disorder. Substance Abuse. Published online March 25.

For this study, the authors examined the impact of the 2015 Pennsylvania Medicaid expansion on postpartum insurance coverage and preventive care utilization among pregnant women with OUD. They conducted a retrospective cohort study of 1,562 women using 2013 to 2015 administrative data provided by Pennsylvania. Post expansion, more women remained enrolled in Medicaid at 300 days postpartum, but Medicaid coverage was not associated with differences in postpartum visit attendance or contraceptive use.

Saloner, B., R. Landis, B.D. Stein, and C.L. Barry. 2019. The Affordable Care Act in the heart of the opioid crisis: Evidence from West Virginia. Health Affairs 38, no. 4: 633–642.

This study used Medicaid claims data for 2014 to 2016 to identify trends in OUD treatment among West Virginia Medicaid expansion enrollees. It found that about 5.5 percent of enrollees were diagnosed with OUD per year, with the monthly prevalence of diagnoses increasing three-fold over the three-year period. The ratio of people filling buprenorphine prescriptions to the number diagnosed with OUD increased from one-third in 2014 to three-quarters by late 2018. Additionally, most people receiving buprenorphine also received counseling and drug testing. However, uptake of treatment was uneven across race and ethnicity, rural status, and comorbidities.

Swartz, J.A., and S.J. Beltran. 2019. Prescription opioid availability and opioid overdose-related mortality rates in Medicaid expansion and non-expansion states. Additction114, no. 11: 2016-2025.

This study used national, cross-sectional data for Medicaid-reimbursed prescription opioids, Medicaid enrollment information, and annual opioid overdose-related mortality rates for the period 2008 to 2016. It found that Medicaid expansion states experienced larger increases in prescription opioid availability compared with non-expansion states. Mortality rates were higher in expansion states than non-expansion states, and were not significantly mediated by higher Medicaid-reimbursed prescription opioid availability.

Andrews, C.M., C.M. Grogan, B.T. Smith, A.J. Abraham, et al. 2018. Medicaid benefits for addiction treatment expanded after implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Health Affairs 37, no. 8: 1216–1222.

For this study, authors surveyed Medicaid programs in all states and the District of Columbia regarding their addiction treatment benefits and utilization controls in 2014 and 2017, after the ACA’s parity requirements took effect. They found that an increasing number of states covered benefits for residential treatment and medications used to treat opioid use disorder under their state plan. The number of states imposing annual service limits on outpatient addiction treatment decreased by over half, and fewer states required preauthorization for many other services. This trend was present among both alternative benefit plans and standard ones.

Fry, C.E. and B. D. Sommers. 2018. Effect of Medicaid expansion on coverage and access to care among adults with depression. August 28, 2018. Washington, DC:  Psychiatry Online.

This study used a random-digit-dial survey of adults age 19 to 64 with incomes below 138 percent FPL in two expansion states (Arkansas and Kentucky) and one non-expansion state (Texas) conducted over 2013 to 2016. It found that Medicaid expansion was associated with a 23 percentage point reduction in the proportion of adults with depression who were uninsured. It was also associated with significant reductions in delaying care or medications due to cost.

Saloner, B., J. Levin, H. Chang, C. Jones, and C. Alexander. Changes in buprenorphine-naloxone and opioid pain reliever prescriptions after the Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansion. 2018. JAMA Network Open 1, no. 4: e181588.

This study used all-payer prescription fill data from five states to examine whether Medicaid expansion affected prescription fills for buprenorphine with naloxone and opioid pain relievers. It found that Medicaid expansion was associated with a significant increase in prescription fills for buprenorphine with naloxone, suggesting improved access to OUD treatment. Medicaid expansion did not significantly increase fills per 100,000 county residents of prescription opioid pain relievers overall, but was associated with an increase in fills for opioid pain relievers paid for by Medicaid.

Government Accountability Office (GAO). 2017. Medicaid expansion: Behavioral health treatment use in selected states in 2014. GAO-17-529. June 2017. Washington, DC: GAO.

GAO looked at 2014 Medicaid Statistical Information System data for four expansion states: Iowa, New York, Washington, and West Virginia. It found that between 20 and 34 percent of expansion enrollees received behavioral health treatment in 2014, including psychotherapy and prescription drugs. Among individuals in these states diagnosed with opioid abuse or dependence, between 62 and 81 percent used some outpatient treatment services, and between 11 and 41 percent used medication-assisted treatment.

Maclean, J. C. and B. Saloner. 2017. The effect of public insurance expansions on substance use disorder treatment: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act. April 2017. Bonn, Germany: IZA Institute of Labor Economics.

This study used administrative data from the Treatment Episodes Data Set for 2010 to 2015, and Medicaid State Drug Utilization Data for 2011 to 2015. It found that following Medicaid expansion, there was no evidence of increased admission to specialty treatment for SUD in expansion states relative to non-expansion states. However, Medicaid-covered prescriptions for outpatient medications used for SUD treatment increased by 33 percent in expansion states relative to non-expansion states.

Saloner, B. S. N. Bandara, E. E. McGinty, and C. L. Barry. 2016. Justice-involved adults with substance use disorders: Coverage increased but rates of treatment did not in 2014. Health Affairs 35, no. 6: 1058–1066.

Using National Survey on Drug Use and Health data for 2004 to 2014, the authors found that the uninsured rate among adults who reported past-year criminal justice contact and met screening criteria for substance use disorder declined from 38 to 28 percent. However, overall treatment rates among this population were unchanged in 2014.

Access to other specific types of care and services

Wehby, G.L., Lyu, W. and Shane, D. 2022. Racial And Ethnic Disparities In Dental Services Use Declined After Medicaid Adult Dental Coverage Expansions. Health Affairs 41, no. 1: 44-52.

This study used 2011-2018 data from MEPS to compare changes in use of dental services for low-income non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic adults against changes in use of dental services for low-income non-Hispanic white adults. The study found that states that included extensive dental benefits for the new adult group were associated with a narrowing of racial and ethnic disparities in dental care visits and use of preventive and treatment services. Non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic adults had an 8 percent increase in likelihood of dental visits compared to non-Hispanic white adults after Medicaid expansion. This represents a reduction of 75 percent for non-Hispanic Black adults and 50 percent for Hispanic adults compared to pre-expansion disparities. However, rates of dental care among low-income adults are low across racial and ethnic groups – ranging from 10 percent for Hispanic adults in non-expansion states to 30 percent for non-Hispanic white adults in expansion states, indicating that other barriers to access exist for dental care.

Obeng-Gyasi, S., Rose, J., Dong, W., Kim, U., and Koroukian, S. 2022. Is Medicaid Expansion Narrowing Gaps in Surgical Disparities for Low-Income Breast Cancer Patients? Annals of Surgical Oncology 29: 1763-1769.

This study used 2010-2017 claims data on breast cancer patients in Ohio to understand the effect of Medicaid expansion on patterns of surgical care among low-income breast cancer patients. The study found a 10.4 percent increase in breast conservation therapy among Medicaid-insured patients compared to a 5.8 percent increase among privately insured patients. Additionally, disparities in reconstruction declined between the Medicaid-insured (21.4 percent pre-ACA to 34.5 percent post-ACA) and privately-insured (37.0 percent pre-ACA to 44.1 percent post-ACA) groups.

Swankoski, K.E., Fishman, P.A., Chi, D.L., and Wong, E.S. 2021. Effects of Medicaid expansion on self-reported use of dental services in socioeconomically vulnerable subgroups. Journal of Public Health Dentistry. Published online August 31, 2021.

This study used 2012-2016 data from BRFSS to estimate the effect of Medicaid expansion on annual use of dental services. Overall, there was no significant association between Medicaid expansion and probability of using dental services. However, Medicaid expansion was associated with a 2.3 percentage point increase in the probability of using dental services in states where Medicaid offers more than emergency dental benefits. Medicaid expansion was also associated with an 8.1 percentage point increase in dental use probability among adults aged 21-35 without a high school diploma, but no other subgroup experienced significant effects of Medicaid expansion on dental use.

Dvorak, J.E., Lester, E.L.W., Maluso, P.J., Tatebe, L.C., and F. Bokhari. 2021. The impact of the Affordable Care Act on Burn Outcomes. Journal of Burn Care & Research, 42, no. 1: 63-66.

This study used data from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project National Inpatient Sample database for the period 2011 to 2016. It found that there were no statistically significant changes in burn mortality following ACA implementation. However, ACA implementation was associated with a significant reduction in the probability of being discharged home, and an increase in the probability of being discharged to another facility, which may represent improved access to care.

Hawkins, S.S., Horvath, K., Cohen, J., Pace, L.E., and C.F. Baum. 2021. Associations between insurance-related Affordable Care Act policy changes with HPV vaccine completion. BMC Public Health, 21, no. 304.

This study used 2009 to 2015 public and private health insurance claims from Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts for individuals aged 9 to 26 with at least one human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination dose to assess the effects of the ACA on HPV vaccine completion. It examined the effects of both the 2010 ACA provisions (including provisions that eliminated cost sharing for HPV vaccinations and the dependent care provision for adults up to age 26) and the 2014 ACA provisions (including other reforms to the individual insurance market as well as the Medicaid expansion. It found that both the 2010 and 2014 ACA provisions were associated with increases in vaccination completion. For example, among females, the 2010 ACA provisions were associated with a 4.3 percentage point increase in HPV vaccine completion for the privately insured and a 5.7 percentage point increase for Medicaid enrollees. The 2014 provisions were associated with a 9.4 percentage point increase in vaccine completion among the privately insured and an 8.5 percentage point increase among Medicaid enrollees.

Salciccioli, K.B., Salemi, J.L., Broda, C.R., and K.N. Lopez. 2021. Disparities in insurance coverage among hospitalized adult congenital heart disease patients before and after the Affordable Care Act. Birth Defects Research, 133, no. 8: 644-659.

This study used data from the National Inpatient Sample to look at hospitalizations for adults with congenital heart disease (ACHD) compared to adults with sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis, and the general population in three periods: the pre-ACA period (January 2007 to June 2010), the early ACA period (July 2010 to December 2013), and the full ACA period (2014 to 2016). It found that uninsured hospitalizations decreased from 12 percent in the pre-ACA period to 8.5 percent in the full ACA period. In the full-ACA period, patients with ACHD had lower uninsured rates than the general population, but higher rates than those with other the chronic diseases studied, gaps which the ACA did not close. Across the three periods, adults with ACHD age 18 to 25 had higher uninsured rates than older adults age 26 to 64. Additionally, Hispanic patients with ACHD had higher uninsured rates than other groups.

Chu, Q.D., Li, T., Hsieh, M., Y. Yi, et. al. 2020. Positive impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansion on Louisiana women with breast cancer. Cancer 127, no. 5: 688-699.

This study used data from the Louisiana Tumor Registry to assess the effects of Medicaid expansion in Louisiana for women age 20 to 64 who were diagnosed with stage 0 to stage IV breast cancer between 2012 and 2018. After adjusting for socioeconomic and clinical variables, the study found that the Medicaid expansion decreased the uninsured rate by nearly 50 percent, increased the number of diagnoses of early-stage disease (i.e., stage 0 to stage III), increased receipt of radiotherapy after breast-conserving surgery by 19 percent, and reduced the delay of receipt of radiotherapy by 16 percent.

Daw, J.R., T.N.A. Winkelman, V.K. Dalton, et al. 2020. Medicaid expansion improved perinatal insurance continuity for low-income women. Health Affairs 39, no. 9: 1531-1539.

This study used survey data from the 2012 to 2017 Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System to estimate the effect of Medicaid expansion on continuity of coverage for low-income women at three points: preconception, delivery, and postpartum. It found that Medicaid expansion resulted in a 10.1 percentage point decrease in churning (i.e., moving between different insurance coverage or between insurance and insurance for beneficiaries in expansion states. There was a 5.8 percentage point decease in the portion of women who were continuously insured. However, there was a 4.2 percentage point increase in churning between Medicaid and private insurance.

Eliason, E.L. 2020. Adoption of Medicaid expansion is associated with lower maternal mortality. Women’s Health Issues. Published online February 26.

This study examined the effect of Medicaid expansion on the maternal mortality ratio. It found that Medicaid expansion was significantly associated with 7.01 fewer maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, relative to non-expansion states. These effects were concentrated among non-Hispanic black mothers, suggesting that Medicaid expansion is helping decrease racial disparities in maternal mortality.

Gordon, S.H., B.D. Sommers, I.B. Wilson, and A.N. Trivedi. 2020. Effects of Medicaid expansion on postpartum coverage and outpatient utilization. Health Affairs 39, no. 1:77-84.

Using Medicaid claims data for 2013 to 2015, this study compared postpartum Medicaid coverage and outpatient utilization among new mothers in Colorado (which expanded Medicaid) and Utah (which had not yet expanded Medicaid as of 2015). After expansion, new mothers in Utah experienced higher rates of Medicaid coverage loss and accessed fewer Medicaid-financed outpatient visits during the six-months postpartum, relative to their counterparts in Colorado. The effects of Medicaid expansion were largest among women who experienced significant maternal morbidity at delivery.

Hawazin, W.E., B.D. Sommers, and I. Kawachi. 2020. Changes in coverage and access to dental care five years after ACA Medicaid expansion. Health Affairs 39, no. 11: 1900-1908.

This study used NHIS data for 2010 to 2018 to examine the effect of Medicaid expansion on dental coverage and use of oral health services among low-income adults. It found that Medicaid expansion increased rates of dental coverage by 18.9 percentage points in states that provide Medicaid dental benefits. Although the expansion was associated with a significant increase in the share of white adults who had a dental visit in the past year, there was no significant change in this metric for adults overall.

Hoehn, R.S., C.J. Rieser, H. Phelos, et al. 2020. Association between Medicaid expansion and diagnosis and management of colon cancer. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. Published online November 23, 2020.

This study compared changes in diagnosis and management of colon cancer following Medicaid expansion using data from the National Cancer Data Base for 2010 to 2012 and 2015 to 2016. It found that patients in expansion states experienced increases in Medicaid coverage. They also experienced significant increases in stage I diagnoses and treatment at integrated network programs. Significantly more early-stage patients were treated within 30 days and more stage IV patients received palliative care. Among surgical patients, Medicaid expansion was also correlated with fewer urgent cases and more minimally invasive surgery. However, there were no significant differences in postoperative outcomes.

Lam, M.B., J. Phelan, J. Orav, et al. 2020. Medicaid expansion and mortality among patients with breast, lung, and colorectal cancer. JAMA Network Open 3, no. 11.

This study used data from the National Cancer Data Base to determine whether Medicaid expansion is associated with improved mortality among patients with cancer, including data from patients newly diagnosed from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2015. It found that after Medicaid expansion, mortality significantly decreased in expansion states but not in nonexpansion states, primarily among patients with nonmetastatic cancer. However, after adjusting for cancer stage, mortality improvement following Medicaid expansion was no longer evident.

Mesquita-Neto J., P. Cmorej, H. Mouzaihem, et al. 2020. Disparities in access to cancer surgery after Medicaid expansion. The American Journal of Surgery 219, no. 1: 181-184.

This study examined access to cancer-specific surgical care in the U.S. It used data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database for approximately 1 million patients with the 8 most prevalent cancers between 2007 and 2015. It found that following Medicaid expansion, patients were diagnosed at an earlier stage, and lack of insurance decreased. Additionally, patients of lower socioeconomic status had improved access to surgical care.

Myerson, R., S. Crawford, and L.R. Wherry. 2020. Medicaid expansion increased preconception health counseling, folic acid intake, and postpartum contraception. Health Affairs 39, no. 11: 1883-1890.

Using data from the BRFSS, this study evaluated whether increased coverage following Medicaid expansion affected ten preconception health indicators. It found that expansion was associated with greater preconception health counseling, pre-pregnancy folic acid intake, and postpartum use of effective birth control methods among low-income women. It did not find evidence of changes on other preconception health indicators.

Takvorian, S.U., A. Oganisian, and R. Mamtani. 2020. Association of Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act with insurance status, cancer stage, and timely treatment among patients with breast, colon, and lung cancer. JAMA Network Open 3, no. 2.

This study examined the association between Medicaid expansion and changes in insurance status, stage at diagnosis, and timely treatment among patients with breast, colon, and non-small cell lung cancer. It included adults age 40 to 64 with a new diagnosis from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2016 in the National Cancer Database. It found that Medicaid expansion was associated with a decreased rate of uninsured patients and an increased rate of early-stage cancer diagnosis, but was not associated with changes in the rate of timely treatment.

Van Houtven, C.H., B.E. McGarry, E. Jutkowitz, et al. 2020. Association of Medicaid expansion under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act with use of long-term care. JAMA Network Open 3, no. 10.

Using Health and Retirement Study data for 891 individuals from 2008 to 2016, this study examined whether Medicaid expansion is associated with long-term care use among newly eligible adults, and older adults whose eligibility did not change. The study found that the expansion was associated with a significant increase in the probability of any long-term care use among low-income, middle-aged adults.

Alharbi, A.G., M. Mahmud Khan, R. Horner, et al. 2019. Impact of Medicaid coverage expansion under the Affordable Care Act on mammography and pap test utilization among low-income women. PLOS ONE 14, no. 4.

Using 2012 to2016 MEPS data, this study found that Medicaid expansion had not significantly improved utilization of mammograms or Pap tests among low-income women.

Clapp, M., A. Kaimal, B. Sommers, and J. Daw. 2019. Association of Medicaid expansion with coverage and access to care for pregnant women. Obstetrics & Gynecology. Published online October 8.

This study used national birth certificate data from 2009 to 2017 to assess changes in access to care for pregnant women following Medicaid expansion. Although Medicaid expansion was associated with increased Medicaid coverage for childbirth in expansion states, there was no association with changes in early access to prenatal care, preterm birth, or small for gestational age birth weights. Findings were similar across the two subgroups: women for whom this was the first delivery, and women with no more than a high school diploma.

Ghosh, A., K. Simon, and B.D. Sommers. 2019. The effect of health insurance on prescription drug use among low-income adults: Evidence from recent Medicaid expansions. Journal of Health Economics 63: 64–80.

This study used a national all-payer pharmacy transactions database to examine the effect of health insurance on prescription drug utilization among low-income non-elderly adults. It found that within 15 months of Medicaid expansion, aggregate Medicaid-paid prescriptions increased by 19 percent. There was no evidence of reductions in uninsured or privately insured prescriptions. The largest increases occurred for medications used to treat diabetes and heart disease. Increases were larger for generic drugs than brand-name drugs and smaller in expansion states with higher Medicaid copayments, indicating price sensitivity among low-income populations.

Gould, K.M., A. Zeymo, K.S. Chan, et al. 2019. Bariatric surgery among vulnerable populations: The effect of the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion. Surgery 166, no. 5: 820-829.

This study examined changes in bariatric surgery rates by insurance and income between 2012 and 2015 using the HCUP State Inpatient Database. It found that the adjusted incidence rate of bariatric surgery among Medicaid or uninsured and low-income patients increased significantly in expansion states. Rates increased for both African American and white patients, but not significantly, indicating that racial disparities persisted. There was no change for privately insured and high-income patients.

Hyo Kim, N., K.A. Look, and M.E. Burns. 2019. Low income childless adults’ access to antidiabetic drugs in Wisconsin Medicaid after coverage expansion. Health Affairs 38, no. 7: 1145–1152.

This study examined changes in use of and out-of-pocket costs for antidiabetic drugs among adults affected by Wisconsin’s Medicaid coverage expansion in April 2014. Using Wisconsin Medicaid enrollment records, medical claims, and pharmacy claims for the period April 2013 to March 2015, the study found that childless adults experienced a significant increase in the use of these drugs compared to parents and caretakers. They also experienced a significant 70 percent reduction in average out-of-pocket spending for these drugs.

Wilson, J., B. Mesquita-Nito, P. Cmorej, et al. 2019. Disparities in access to cancer surgery after Medicaid expansion. 2019. American Journal of Surgery. Published online June 26, 2019.

This study examined the effects of Medicaid expansion on access to cancer-specific surgical care using the SEER database. It found that following expansion, cancer patients were diagnosed at an earlier stage, the portion of patients who were uninsured decreased, and patients of low socioeconomic status experienced improved access to surgical care.

Zogg, C.K., J.W. Scott, D. Metcalfe, et al. 2019. Association of Medicaid expansion with access to rehabilitative care in adult trauma patients. JAMA Surgery. Published online January 2, 2019.

This study found that the share of uninsured adult trauma patients in expansion states decreased by 13.7 percentage points relative to non-expansion states. It also found a 7.4 percentage point increase in discharge to rehabilitation among adult trauma patients.

Zerhouni, Y.A., Q.Trinh, S. Lipsitz et al. 2019. Effect of Medicaid expansion on colorectal cancer screening rates. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 61, no. 1: 97–103.

This study used BRFSS data from 2012 to 2016 to examine whether Medicaid expansion improved colorectal screening for low-income or minority patients. It found that screening rates increased significantly for low-income and African American patients in states that adopted the Medicaid expansion early. There was no significant increase in states that adopted Medicaid expansion in 2014, or for Hispanic patients in either expansion state type.

Harhay, M.N., R.M. McKenna, S.M. Boyle, et al. 2018. Association between Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act and preemptive listings for kidney transplantation. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 13, no 7: 1069–1078.

Using 2011 to 2016 data from the United Network of Organ Sharing database, the authors looked at listings for kidney transplantation among adults with dialysis dependence. They found that expansion states had a 59 percent relative increase in Medicaid-covered preemptive listings following expansion. Non-expansion states had only an 8.8 percent relative increase. Additionally, the share of listings covered by Medicaid increased significantly (3 percentage points) in expansion states, and the increase was significant across race and ethnicity categories.

Loehrer, A.P., D. C. Change, J. W. Scott, et al. 2018. Association of the Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansion with access to and quality of care for surgical conditions. JAMA Surgery 153, no. 3.

Hospital administrative data for 2010 to 2015 showed that Medicaid expansion was associated with improved receipt of timely care among hospital patients with five common surgical conditions; specifically, a 1.8 percentage point increase in the probability of early uncomplicated presentation with common diagnosis and a 2.7 percentage point increase in the probability of receiving optimal care management.

Myerson, R., T. Lu, I. Tonnu-Mihara, and E.S. Huang. 2018. Medicaid eligibility expansions may address gaps in access to diabetes medications. Health Affairs 37, no. 8: 1200–1207.

The authors used data on prescription fills in the 50 states and the District of Columbia for 2008–2018 to examine the effects of Medicaid expansion on access to diabetes medications. They found that expansion was associated with 30 additional Medicaid-covered diabetes prescriptions filled per 1,000 compared to non-expansion states. Additionally, Medicaid-covered prescription fills for insulin and metformin each grew by 40 percent following expansion.

Smith, A.J., and A.N. Fader. 2018. Effects of the Affordable Care Act on young women with gynecologic cancers. Obstetrics & Gynecology 131, no. 6: 966–976.

The authors examined data from the National Cancer Database for the periods 2004–2009 and 2011–2014, finding that women age 21 to 26 with gynecologic cancer were more likely to be insured and diagnosed at an early stage of disease following the ACA. However, privately insured women were more likely to be diagnosed at an early stage and receive fertility-sparing treatment than publicly insured or uninsured women both before and after the ACA.

Effects on racial and ethnic disparities in coverage and access

Adamson, B.J.S., Cohen, A.B, Gross, C.P, Estevez, M. Magee, K. Williams, E. Meropol, N.J., and Davidoff, A.J. 2021. ACA Medicaid Expansion Association with Racial Disparity Reductions in Timely Cancer Treatment. American Journal of Managed Care 27 no. 7: 274-281.

This study used data derived from electronic health records between 2011 and 2019 to assess whether Medicaid expansion was associated with a reduction in racial disparities in timely treatment among patients diagnosed with advanced cancer. In non-expansion states, Black patients were 4.8 percentage points less likely to receive timely treatment than white patients. This disparity in treatment was smaller in expansion states, where Black patients were 0.8 percentage points less likely to receive timely treatment than white patients. Medicaid expansion was associated with a reduction in the Black-white disparity in timely treatment for patients with advanced cancer.

Cole, M. 2021. Longer Run Effects of Medicaid Expansion on Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Intermediate Health Outcomes Among a National Sample of FQHCs. Health Services Research 56: 20-21.

This study uses 2011-2019 data from the Uniform Data System to measure the longer-term effect of Medicaid expansion on racial and ethnic disparities in intermediate health outcomes among patients at Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). In states that expanded Medicaid, the share of FQHC patients without insurance declined following expansion, with the largest declines occurring during the year of expansion. Expansion was associated with a 3.32 percentage point change in blood pressure control among Black patients, a 2.44 percentage point change in blood pressure control among Hispanic patients, and a 3.53 percentage point change in diabetes control among Hispanic patients by year 6 following expansion. White to Black racial disparities decreased for hypertension control.

Vargas Bustamante, A., Chen, J., Beltrán, L.F., and A.N. Ortega. 2021. Health policy challenges posed by shifting demographics and health trends among immigrants to the United States. Health Affairs, 40, no. 7: 1028-1037.

This study used 2004 to 2018 data from the NHIS and the California Health Interview Survey to examine recent trends in immigrant health and health care. It found that health care inequities among immigrants and U.S.-born residence decreased after the ACA took effect, diminishing increases that occurred during the Great Recession. However, immigrants still face disparities in insurance coverage and access to care compared to U.S.-born adults. Further, the number of aging immigrants is projected to grow, with most not eligible for Medicaid or Medicare.

Li, Y., Mohammed, U.T., Jensen, G.A., Ortiz, K., González, H.M., and W. Tarraf. 2021. Gains in insurance coverage following the Affordable Care Act and change in preventive services use among non-elderly US immigrants. Preventive Medicine 148.

This study used 2013 to 2016 data from the MEPS to examine the effects of ACA implementation on preventive service use among immigrants that gained insurance. It found that following ACA implementation, newly insured immigrants substantially increased use of primary care checks and certain cancer screening services (including endoscopies, colon cancer screenings, and prostate cancer screenings). However, their utilization of such services remained lower than that of U.S.-born adults.

Buchmuellar, T.C. and H.G. Levy. 2020. The ACA’s impact on racial and ethnic disparities in health insurance coverage and access to care. Health Affairs 39, no. 3: 395-402.

Using data from the ACS and BRFSS for the period 2008 to 2017, this study found that after the ACA, health insurance coverage increased significantly for all racial and ethnic groups. However, it increased more for non-Hispanic black and Hispanic populations than it did for non-Hispanic white populations, decreasing disparities in health insurance coverage. Disparities decreased more in expansion states than non-expansion states. Disparities in common measures of access to care (e.g., percentage of individuals who reported foregoing care due to cost) similarly decreased.

Guth, M., S. Artiga, and O. Pham. 2020. Effects of the ACA Medicaid expansion on racial disparities in health and health care. September 30, 2020. Washington, DC: Kaiser Family Foundation.

This issue brief describes findings from a review of literature investigating the effects of Medicaid expansion on racial disparities in coverage, access to care and use of care, health outcomes and quality of care, and payer mix and other economic outcomes. Key takeaways include (1) most studies found that Medicaid expansion reduced, but did not eliminate, racial disparities in coverage; (2) most studies found evidence that expansion was associated with improvements in access to and use of care for some, but not all groups; (3) some studies found that Medicaid expansion helped reduce disparities in health outcomes for Black and Hispanic individuals, particularly for measures of maternal and infant health; and (4) studies on effects of expansion on disparities in economic measures had mixed results.

Courtemanche, C.J., I. Fazlul, J. Marton, et al. 2019. The impact of the ACA on insurance coverage disparities after four years. August. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

This study used data from the 2011 to 2017 waves of the ACS to examine the effects of Medicaid expansion, subsidized exchange plans, and insurance market reforms on disparities in insurance coverage after four years. It found that the fully implemented ACA reduced disparities in coverage by 44 percent across income groups, 26.7 percent across racial groups, 45 percent across marital status, and 44 percent across age groups. These changes were attributable to both Medicaid expansion other aspects of the law.

Frerichs, L., R. Bell, K. Hassmiller Lich, et al. 2019. Regional differences in coverage among American Indians and Alaska Natives before and after the ACA. Health Affairs38, no. 9: 1542-1549.

This study examined unadjusted trends in health insurance coverage among American Indians and Alaska Natives across 10 regions, using 2010 to 2017 ACS data. It found inconsistent results among regions with the Albuquerque, California, Nashville, and Portland, OR regions experienced the highest increases in any coverage and public coverage, and coverage disparities between American Indians and Alaska Natives and non-Hispanic whites decreased. However, there was no significant increase in health insurance coverage among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the Oklahoma, Bemidji, or Alaska regions.

Semprini, J., O.I. Olopade. 2019. Evaluating the effect of Medicaid expansion on black/white breast cancer mortality disparities: A difference-in-difference analysis. Journal of Global Oncology. Published online October 1.

This analysis used state-level breast cancer mortality data obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to examine effects of Medicaid expansion on breast cancer mortality disparities. It found that the black/white mortality ratio increased in Medicaid expansion states for all age groups, with significant effects in younger age groups.

King, C.J., J. Moreno, S.V. Coleman, and J.F. Williams. 2018. Diabetes mortality rates among African Americans: A descriptive analysis pre and post Medicaid expansion. Preventive Medicine Reports 12: 20–24.

This study used data from the CDC Compressed Mortality File to look at the difference in age-adjusted diabetes mortality rates among African Americans before and after Medicaid expansion. It found a slight reduction in diabetes mortality following Medicaid expansion: from 41.14 per 100,000 for 2008–2010 to 38.94 for 2014 to 2016. Across states, the change in mortality rates ranged from a decrease of 15.43 per 100,000 to an increase of 9.53 per 100,000. Rates declined in 16 of the 24 expansion states included in the study, and in 8 states that did not expand coverage.

Stinson, J.P., and F.A. Wilson. 2018. Medicaid expansion improved health insurance coverage for immigrants, but disparities persist. Health Affairs 37, no. 10.

This study used 2010 to 2015 ACS data to study the effects of Medicaid expansion on insurance coverage among U.S. natives, naturalized citizens, and non-citizen immigrants. It found that the uninsured rates decreased significantly across all three groups. For non-citizen immigrants, the uninsured rate declined from 69.6 percent to 53.5 percent between 2010 and 2015. However, the share of uninsured non-citizen immigrants remained high, at 44.9 percent in expansion states, compared to an uninsured rate of 16.3 percent among U.S. natives.

Effect of alternative approaches to expansion

Sommers, B.D., L. Chen, R.J. Blendon, et al. 2020. Medicaid work requirements in Arkansas: Two-year impacts on coverage, employment, and affordability of care. Health Affairs 39, no. 9: 1522-1530.

To analyze the effects of Arkansas’ Medicaid work requirements, the authors of this study conducted a telephone survey of low-income adults in the state in late 2019. The researchers found the work requirements did not increase employment over eighteen months of follow-up. Among people ages 30 to 49 who lost Medicaid in 2018, 50 percent reported serious problems paying off medical debt, 56 percent delayed care because of cost, and 64 percent delayed taking medications because of cost. These rates were significantly higher than among Arkansans who remained in Medicaid all year. The researchers also found that most of the coverage losses that occurred in 2018 were reversed in 2019 after a court order suspending the policy.

Wright, B., Y.S. Jung, N.M. Akelson, et al. 2020. Iowa’s Medicaid healthy behaviors program associated with reduced hospital-based care but higher spending, 2012-2017. Health Affairs 39, no. 5: 876-883.

This study examined the effects of Iowa’s healthy behaviors program, which was designed to incentivize Medicaid expansion enrollees to use preventive care by requiring them to complete an annual wellness exam and health risk assessment. The study used Medicaid enrollment and claims data for 2012 to 2017 from the Iowa Department of Human Services, and the department’s records of healthy behavior actions for 2014 to 2017. It found that healthy behavior program participants were 9.6 percentage points less likely to visit the emergency department, and 2.8 percentage points less likely to be hospitalized than nonparticipants. However, they had higher total health care spending, even after adjusting for increased spending associated with Medicaid expansion.

Sommers, B.D., A.L. Goldman, R.J., Blendon et al. 2019. Medicaid work requirements: Results from the first year in Arkansas. New England Journal of Medicine 381: 1073 – 1082.

Using landline and cellular phones between November 8 and December 30, 2018, the authors conducted a survey of adults age 19 to 64 with incomes below 138 percent FPL in Arkansas. They found that following implementation of Medicaid work requirements in Arkansas and three comparison states, there was a significant decrease in Arkansas Medicaid coverage, with no significant increase in employer-sponsored insurance. Additionally, there was no significant change in employment, hours worked, or community engagement activities. Descriptive results also indicated confusion and lack of knowledge about the requirements among enrollees.

Freedman, S., L. Richardson, and K.I. Simon. 2018. Learning from waiver states: Coverage effects under Indiana’s HIP Medicaid expansion. Health Affairs 37, no. 6: 936–943.

This study used 2009 to 2016 ACS data to look at coverage effects of Indiana’s alternative approach to Medicaid expansion. It found little evidence to indicate that Indiana’s waiver program features (e.g., premiums, disenrollment and lock out for non-payment) caused smaller coverage effects as compared with traditional expansion states. Relative to pre-ACA uninsured rates, Indiana’s coverage gains following the Medicaid expansion were smaller than gains in neighboring expansion states, but larger than gains in non-neighboring expansion states (e.g., Arizona, Delaware, and North Dakota).

Sommers, B. D., B. Maylone, R. J. Blendon, et al. 2017. Three-year impacts of the Affordable Care Act: Improved medical care and health among low-income adults. Health Affairs 36, no. 6: 1119–1128.

The authors collected survey data from low-income adults in three states in 2016: Kentucky, which expanded Medicaid; Arkansas, which expanded Medicaid through a Medicaid-funded exchange plan premium assistance; and Texas, which did not expand. They found that by the end of 2016, the uninsured rate in Kentucky and Arkansas declined by more than 20 percentage points relative to that in Texas. Among previously uninsured individuals, gaining coverage was associated with a 41 percentage point increase in the likelihood of having a usual source of care, a 23 percentage point increase in the likelihood of being in self-reported excellent health, and a $337 decrease in average annual out-of-pocket spending.

Sommers, B. D., R. J. Blendon, and J. Orav, 2016. Changes in utilization and health among low-income adults after Medicaid expansion or expanded private insurance. JAMA Internal Medicine 176, no. 10: 1501–1509.

Using survey data collected in Kentucky, Arkansas, and Texas from November 2013 through December 2015, this study looked at changes in utilization and health following Medicaid expansion. It found that in 2015, the second year of expansion, Kentucky and Arkansas both saw significant changes in coverage and access. Expansion was associated with a 22.7 percent decrease in the uninsured rate; significant increases in access to primary care, outpatient utilization, preventive care, improved health quality, and improved self-reported health; and, significant decreases in emergency department use. There were few differences between the traditional expansion state (Kentucky) and the state using an alternative approach to expansion (Arkansas).

Sommers, B. D., R. J. Blendon, and J. Orav. Both the ‘private option’ and traditional Medicaid expansions improved access to care for low-income adults. Health Affairs 35, no. 1: 96–105.

The authors conducted a telephone survey between November and December 2013 to look at access to care and affordability paying for medical care among low-income adults. They found that in two expansion states, Kentucky and Arkansas, difficulty paying for medical care and skipping medication due to cost declined and the share of adults with chronic conditions who obtained regular care increased. There were few differences between the traditional expansion state (Kentucky) and the state using an alternative approach to expansion (Arkansas).

Effect of expansion on other measures of well-being

Albright, B.B., F. Chino, J.P. Chino, et al. 2021. Medicaid expansion reduced uninsured surgical hospitalizations and associated catastrophic financial burden. Health Affairs 40, no. 8: 1294 – 1303.

This study used state-and patient-level data to estimate the association of Medicaid expansion with uninsured surgical hospitalizations and associated catastrophic financial burden. It found that Medicaid expansion was associated with a 6.2 percent reduction in the share of uninsured surgical discharges, and 7.9 fewer uninsured surgical discharges per 10,000 in expansion states, compared to non-expansion states. Additionally, the study found that in 2019, adoption of Medicaid expansion in the remaining non-expansion states could have prevented more than 50,000 instances of catastrophic financial burden resulting from uninsured surgery.

Duggan, M., Goda, G.S., and G. Li. 2021. The effects of the Affordable Care Act on the near elderly: Evidence for health insurance coverage and labor market outcomes, Tax Policy and the Economy, 35, no.1: 179-223.

This study used ACS data from 2010 to 2018, to assess the effects of the ACA on labor market participation and insurance coverage for adults aged 60 to 64. It found that this group experienced a 4.5 percentage point increase in insurance coverage and a 0.6 percentage point decrease in labor market participation. These results may indicate that the decrease in labor market participation is due to greater access to health insurance following the ACA.

Kluender, R., N. Mahoney, F. Wong, et al. 2021. Medical debt in the U.S., 2009 – 2020. JAMA 326, no. 3: 250 – 256.

In this study, the authors sought to measure the amount of medical debt nationally and by geographic region and income group. They used data on medical debt in collections from a nationally representative 10 percent panel of consumer credit reports between January 2009 and June 2020 and income data from the 2014 to 2018 ACS. Between 2013 and 2020, Medicaid expansion states experienced a decline in the mean flow of medical debt that was 34 percentage points greater than non-expansion states, declining from $330 to $175 in expansion states and from $613 to $550 in non-expansion states. Additionally, in expansion states, the gap in the mean flow of medical debt between the zip codes with the lowest and highest incomes decreased by $145. In non-expansion states, the gap increased by $218.

Liu, C., Scannell, C.A., Kenison, T., Wren, S.M., and D. Saliba. 2021. Improvements and gaps in financial risk protection among veterans following the Affordable Care Act. Journal of General Internal Medicine.

This study used data from MEPS from 2010 to 2017 to assess the effects of the ACA on catastrophic, out-of-pocket health expenditures for veterans both with and without health coverage through the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). It found that ACA implementation was associated with a 26 percent decrease in likelihood of catastrophic health expenditures for younger veterans, particularly driven by those with non-VHA coverage seeing a large decrease in this spending. However, veterans over age 65 experienced little change in catastrophic spending post-ACA, compared to pre-ACA levels.

Levy, H., J.Z. Ayanian, T.C. Buchmueller, et al. 2020. Macroeconomic feedback effects of Medicaid expansion: Evidence from Michigan. Journal of health politics, policy, and law 45, no.1: 5 – 48.

The authors combined projections from the state of Michigan’s House Fiscal Agency with estimates from a proprietary macroeconomic model to project the state fiscal effects of Michigan’s Medicaid expansion. They found that for at least the period fiscal year (FY) 2014 to FY 2021, Medicaid expansion will produce fiscal benefits that exceed state costs in every year. These benefits include savings on other non-Medicaid health programs, increases in revenue from provider taxes and broad-based sales and income taxes.

Scott, J.W., M.G. Shrime, B.T. Stewart, et al. 2020. Lifting the burden: State Medicaid expansion reduces financial risk for the injured. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 88, no. 1: 51-58.

This study examined the effects of Medicaid expansion on financial strain among trauma patients. The authors analyzed trauma patients age 18 to 64 admitted to the sole Level 1 trauma center in Washington from 2012 to 2017. They found that after Medicaid expansion, the Medicaid coverage rate among these patients grew from 20.4 percent to 41 percent, and the uninsured rate decreased from 19.2 percent to 3.7 percent. The risk of catastrophic health expenditure among these patients fell from 26.4 percent to 14 percent.

Torres, M. 2020. The effect Medicaid expansion on caregiver’s quality of life. Social work in public health 35, no. 6: 473-482.

Using 2015 to 2018 BRFSS data, this study evaluated the effect of Medicaid expansion on caregiver’s mental health. After adjusting for demographics, socioeconomic status, and health behaviors, the study found that caregivers in Medicaid expansion states had a significantly fewer number of poor mental health days in the previous month than caregivers in non-expansion states.

Allen, H.L., E. Eliason, N. Zewde, and T. Gross. 2019. Can Medicaid expansion prevent housing evictions? Health Affairs 38, no. 9: 1451-1457.

This study used commercial evictions data from American Information Research Services to compare eviction rates before and after California’s early Medicaid expansion, using a difference-in-differences model. It found that early expansion was associated with 24.5 fewer evictions per month in each of the 51 early expansion counties, and that for every 1,000 new Medicaid enrollees, there were 22 fewer evictions per year. The effects were concentrated among counties with the highest pre-expansion uninsured rates.

Buchmueller, T.C., H.G. Levy, and R.G. Valletta. 2019. Medicaid expansion and the unemployed. December. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

This study examined how Medicaid expansion affected health insurance coverage, access to care, and labor market transitions of unemployed workers. It used a combination of survey data sources, for 2007 to 2017, including the ACS, CPS, and BRFSS.  It found that expansion substantially increased insurance coverage and improved access to care among unemployed individuals. It found no meaningful statistical evidence of reduced job-finding rates or labor force attachment in expansion states relative to non-expansion states.

Lee, D. 2019. Effects of the Medicaid expansion on low-income, childless household savings: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act. Journal of Economic Literature 181:164–168.

To examine the effects of Medicaid expansion on low-income, childless household savings, this study used CPS Supplement data. It found that Medicaid expansion increased unearned income generated from savings for childless households with income below 100 percent FPL, but had no effect on earned or total income.

Levy, H., T. Buchmueller, S. Nikpay. 2019. The impact of Medicaid expansion on household consumption. Eastern Economic Journal 45, no. 1: 34–57.

This study used data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey for 2010 to 2016 to look at trends in insurance coverage and consumption for households in expansion or non-expansion states. It found significant increases in Medicaid coverage and significant reductions in quarterly health spending of approximately $60 per household in expansion states relative to non-expansion states. It found no significant changes in non-health consumption.

Miller, S., S. Altekruse, N. Johnson, and L.R. Wherry. 2019. Medicaid and mortality: New evidence from linked survey and administrative data. July 2019. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

The authors linked ACS data with administrative death records to examine the relationship between Medicaid enrollment and mortality for near-elderly adults age 55 to 64 in expansion and non-expansion states. They found that Medicaid expansion was associated with a 0.13 percentage decline in annual mortality and a 9.3 percent reduction over the sample mean.

Tipirneni, R., J.T. Kullgren, J.Z. Ayanian, et al. 2019. Changes in health and ability to work among Medicaid expansion enrollees: a mixed methods study. Journal of General Internal Medicine 34, no. 2: 272-280.

The authors conducted a mixed-method study made up of qualitative interviews and computer-assisted telephone surveys to understand Michigan’s Medicaid expansion on enrollees’ health, ability to work, and ability to seek employment. Half of respondents reported better physical health following Medicaid expansion and one-third reported better mental and dental health. Among employed enrollees, two-thirds reported that Medicaid helped them do a better job at work, and among unemployed enrollees, half agreed that it made them better able to look for a job.

Zewde, N., and C. Wimer. 2019. Antipoverty impact of Medicaid growing with state expansions over time. Health Affairs 38, no. 1: 132–138.

This study used 2010 to 2016 CPS data to examine the effect of Medicaid expansion on the poverty rate. It found that Medicaid expansion reduced the poverty rate among Medicaid expansion by 0.92 percentage points, a significant reduction. The effect was concentrated among non-elderly adults, the primary beneficiaries of Medicaid expansion.

Miller, S.L. Hu, R. Kaestner, et al. 2018. The ACA Medicaid expansion in Michigan and financial health. September 2018. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

Using Michigan Medicaid administrative data as well as TransUnion consumer credit history information, this study examined the effect of the ACA on the financial well-being of newly eligible Medicaid beneficiaries. It found that enrollment was associated with reductions in unpaid bills, over limit credit card spending, delinquencies, and public records including evictions and bankruptcies. Individuals with greater medical need experienced the largest improvements.

Gallagher, E. 2018. Medicaid can increase saving by distressed households. St. Louis, MO: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

This study examined survey responses from 2013 to 2017 from low-income households who used free online tax preparation software when filing their taxes. It found that low-income families in financial stress who became eligible for Medicaid saved more of their tax refund. Low-income families that were not financially stressed did not make changes to their saving habits after becoming eligible for Medicaid.

Allen, H., A. Swanson, J. Wang, and T. Gross. 2017. Early Medicaid expansion associated with reduced payday borrowing in California. Health Affairs 36, no. 10: 1769–1776.

The authors used national data on payday loans from 2009 through early 2014 obtained from the Community Financial Services Association of America. They found that following early Medicaid expansion in California, there were significant reductions in the number of loans and number of unique borrowers per month. There was also a significant reduction in the amount of payday loan debt in early expansion counties in California relative to non-expansion counties nationwide.

Brevoort, K., D. Grodzicki, and M.B. Hackman. 2017. Medicaid and financial health. November 2017. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

Using data collected from credit records, the authors found that Medicaid expansion reduced unpaid medical bills sent to collection by $3.4 billion in the first two years. Individuals’ improved financial health led to better terms for available credit valued at $520 million per year.

Caswell, K. J., and T. A. Waidmann. 2017. The Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansions and personal finance. Medical Care and Research Review.

The authors used credit bureau data to look at the effects of Medicaid expansion on personal finance, finding that individuals in expansion states experienced improved credit scores and reduced past due balances; and were less likely to experience a medical collection of over $1,000, have one or medical bills go to collection, have derogatory balances at any time, or file for bankruptcy.

McMorrow, S., J. A. Gates, S. K. Long, and G. M. Kenney. 2017. Medicaid expansion increased coverage, improved affordability, and reduced psychological distress for low-income parents. Health Affairs 36, no. 5: 808–818.

This study used 2010 to 2015 NHIS data to examine the effects of Medicaid expansion for low-income parents. It found that between 2010 and 2015, Medicaid expansion resulted in increased coverage and decreased psychological stress and problems paying medical bills. There were no significant effects on health status, affordability of prescription drugs, or mental health care, and only limited effects on increased use of care overall.

Spillover effects on other public programs

Burney, S., Boehm, R., and Lopez, R. 2021. The impact of the ACA Medicaid expansion on SNAP participation. Food Policy 101.

This study determined how Medicaid expansion affected household Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participation. Results indicate that expansion led to a 3.18 percentage point overall increase in SNAP participation among income-eligible households. Participation increased for all non-elderly, non-disabled adults without children (regardless of income).  However, among households with children, participation only increased for those below poverty. These results indicate that increased participation in SNAP was likely due to greater awareness of safety net programs rather than changes in employment or hours worked.

Muchomba, F., and Kaushal, N. 2021. Medicaid Expansions and Participation in Supplemental Security Income by Noncitizens. American Journal of Public Health 111 no. 6: 1106-1112.

This study used 2009-2018 data from the Social Security Administration and 2009-2019 data from the CPS to estimate the effect of Medicaid expansion on noncitizens’ participation in the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. The study found that Medicaid expansion reduced SSI participation of noncitizens by 12 percent and of citizens by 2 percent. This may be due to stricter SSI eligibility criteria for noncitizens.

Schmidt, L., L. Shore-Sheppard, and T. Watson. 2019. The impact of the ACA Medicaid expansion on disability program applications. August 2019. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

This study examined the effects of Medicaid expansion on applications for SSI and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) using county-level data on applications provided by the Social Security Administration. It found no significant effects of Medicaid expansion on either applications to or awards from SSI or SSDI.

Abraham, J.M., A.B. Royalty, and C. Drake. 2018. The impact of Medicaid expansion on employer provision of health insurance. International Journal of Health Economics and Management. Published online December 15.

Using 2010 to 2015 MEPS data, this study looked at the effects of Medicaid expansion on offers of employer-sponsored health insurance, eligibility, take-up, and out-of-pocket premiums. It found that employer provision of health insurance was unaffected by Medicaid expansion.

Shartzer, A., F. Blavin., and J. Holahan. 2018. Employer-sponsored insurance stable for low-income workers in Medicaid expansion states. Health Affairs 37, no. 4: 607–612.

This study examined rates of employer-sponsored insurance following Medicaid expansion using June 2013 through March 2017 HRMS data. It found that between June 2013 and March 2017, offer rates for employer-sponsored insurance remained stable and take-up rates increased. The share of workers with family incomes below 138 percent FPL who had employer-sponsored insurance remained the same, and uninsured rates declined.

Abdus, S., and S. C. Hill. 2017. Growing insurance coverage did not reduce access to care for the continuously insured. Health Affairs 36, no. 5: 791–798.

Using MEPS data for 2008 to 2014, this study found no relationship between increases in insurance coverage at the local level and access to care for adults in the area that continuously had health insurance over the period. Specifically, there was no relationship across eight measures of access (e.g., receipt of preventive care) and no relationship in vulnerable subpopulations, including Medicaid beneficiaries and individuals residing in health care professional shortage areas.

McInerney, M., J. M. Mellor, L. M. Sabik. 2017. The effects of state Medicaid expansions for working-age adults on senior Medicare beneficiaries. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy  9, no. 3: 408–438.

This study examined the effect of Medicaid expansions on health care spending and utilization among Medicare beneficiaries using data from the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey. It found that a 1 percentage point increase in the share of non-elderly adults eligible for Medicaid was associated with a $477 reduction in average beneficiary spending for individuals dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid.

Lanesse, B.G., R. Fischbein, and C. Furda. 2018. Public program enrollment following U.S. state Medicaid expansion and outreach. American Journal of Public Health: e1–e3.

This study used data from the ACS as well administrative data from the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and SNAP to look at the effects of Medicaid expansion on enrollment in other programs. It found that while enrollment in means-tested programs decreased after 2014 regardless of whether a state expanded Medicaid, states that both expanded Medicaid and conducted Medicaid enrollment outreach experienced smaller SNAP and WIC enrollment decreases than other states.

Sen, A.P., and T. DeLeire. 2018. How does expansion of public health insurance affect risk pools and premiums in the market for private health insurance? Evidence from Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act marketplaces. Health Economics: 2018: 1–26.

This study used several different data sources, including public use data available from the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight at CMS to look at the effect of Medicaid expansion on premiums for plans on the exchange. It found that exchange plan premiums are 11 percent lower in Medicaid expansion states, after controlling for demographic and health characteristics and measures of health access.

Volger, J. 2017. Access to health care and criminal behavior: Short-run evidence from the ACA Medicaid expansions. November 14, 2017. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

This study used a combination of crime-related data sets for 2010 to 2015 to look at the relationship between access to health care and criminal behavior following Medicaid expansion. It found that following Medicaid expansion, reported instances of violent and property crime per 100,000 people fell by 5 percent in expansion states and 3 percent in non-expansion states, a statistically significant difference. Crime reductions were even more pronounced in counties that experienced the largest decreases in uninsured rates following expansion.

[1] Under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP, P.L. 117-2) premium subsidies are available to individuals and families regardless of income level, during fiscal years 2021 and 2022.